Tag: creativity
CREAZEE Sprint 8, Creative Confidence, Visual Thinking, Feeling Alive, With Quinten Lockefeer
Creative Confidence: Visual Discussion about the Intersection of System Thinking, Music, and Meditation that makes us feel more alive.
CREAZEE Sprint 7, Creativity, Innovation, and Embracing Technological Waves with Alessio Ricco
A journey through the ever-evolving landscape of technology to embrace it with a childlike curiosity. Jamr.ai, an AI platform for content creation.
CREAZEE Sprint 4, Learning Approaches, Critical Thinking and the Joy of Life with David Orban
Polymathy, learning approaches, failure, correcting own mistakes, zooming in-out, the joy of living, building confidence with deliberate practice, climate crisis and IEA’s mistakes, creativity and surprise.
CREAZEE Sprint 3, Curation, Note-Taking and Thinking Together with Quinten Lockefeer
Content curation, visualizing conversations in real-time (as in this case), collaboration, PKM and the role of AI in learning. A new video.
CREAZEE Sprint 1, Songwriting, Filmmaking, and Creativity with Marco Genovesi
Massimo Curatella and Marco Genovesi (Musician and VFX Artist) talk about the creative process behind songwriting and ways to enter the creative flow.
The 12 Favorite Problems Method
Every once in a while there will be a hit, and people will say, ‘How did he do it? He must be a genius!’
Saving and Resuming a Thinking Session
We need to force us to reserve some time to close our thinking applications and saving the open thoughts.
Create to Feel Alive
Why do I write, facilitate, design, and build things? To feel alive.
Dream Big, Build It Small, but Daily
Start now by doing a little thing, and keep on doing it, every day. You’ll reach the stars without even realizing it.
Plan Your Creativity
Planning is an activity bringing the future to the present. You cannot plan to be creative but to foster the conditions for you to be creative.